Plant Nursery
Our Plant Nursery welcomes you to visit on Saturday mornings 9am - noon during our Farm Market. However - if you are wishing to purchase a larger number of trees we'd be happy to set an appointment with you outside of market times. Simply drop us a note.
We focus on fruit & shade trees, natives and Florida friendly plants. Our stock changes often however we strive to keep the following seasonally available:
* Apple - Anna, Ein Shemer, Tropic Sweet
* Avocado - Fantastic, Joey
* Banana - Namwah, Truly Tiny
* Blackberry - Natchez, Ouicheta
* Blueberry - Britewell, Alapaha, Native Darrow
* Citrus - Meyer Lemon, Moro Blood Orange, Flame Grapefruit,
Ruby Red Grapefruit, Satsuma, Kumquat, Clementine, HoneyBelle,
Cara Cara
* Date - Medjool
* Fig - Brown Turkey, Celeste
* Grape - Southern Home
* Loquat
* Mayhaw - (native)
* Mulberry - Black
* Nectaurine - Sunraycer, Sunhome
* Olive - Arbequina
* Peach - Tropic Sweet, FlordaKing, Tropic Snow
* Pear - FlordaHome, Pineapple
* Persimmon - Jiro, Fuyu, Ichi, Izu
* Pineapple Guava
* Plum - Gulf Rose, Gulf Beauty, Gulf Blaze
* Pomegranate - Wonderful, Salavatski, Christine
* Anise Hyssop
* Cranberry Hibiscus
* Lemongrass
* Roselle
* Rosemary
* Yaupon Holly (native tea)
* Birch - River - DuraHeat Triples (native)
* Dogwood - Flowering Pink & White (native)
* Long Leaf Pine (native)
* Maple - Florida Flame, Summer Red (native)
* Oak - Willow, White, Shumard, Southern Red (native)
* Tulip Poplar (native)
* Vitex - Chaste Tree - Shoals Creek
* Abelia, Rose Creek Dwarf
* Agapanthus
* Anise - Yellow (native)
* Azalea - Autumn Bonfire, Autumn Chiffon, Autumn Starburst, Fashion
* Blue Daze - Blue My Mind
* Camellia
* Cigar Plant (Hummingbirds!)
* Coontie (native)
* Duranta Gold Mound (native)
* Fakahachee Grass (native)
* Flax Lily
* Gardenia
* Loropetalum Plum
* Hydrangea - Oakleaf (native)
* Pink Muhly Grass (native)
* Plumbage/Leadwort - blue flowers
* Saw Palmetto (native)
* Simpson Stopper (native)
* Sunshine Ligustrum
* Sweet Tea Olive
* Sweet Viburnum
* Ti Plant
* Vitex - Chaste Tree - Shoals Creek
* Walters Viburnum (native)
* Yucca - Color Guard (native)
* Black Eyed Susan
* Blue Sage
* Carolina Jessamine
* Coral Honeysuckle
* Cross Vine
* Firebush
* Goldenrod
* Stary Rosinweed
* Tick Seed
* Twinflower
* White Milkweed